About us

ING-GRAD d.d. is the company founded in Zagreb in 1985, and it has been known on the market under its current name since 1991. Under the leadership of Branislav Brizar, MSc in Economics, ING-GRAD has distinguished itself in its many years of business as one of the leading construction companies in this sector in Croatia, and is recognizable for its stability, constant growth and uniform development of all segments of the Company.

The work and philosophy of ING-GRAD is best reflected in the slogan "Building the Future, restoring the Heritage". Thus, ING-GRAD can boast of a wide range of construction works, from the renovation of historical buildings and sacral architecture to the construction of modern business and residential spaces, as well as construction works in the field of energy and infrastructure construction.

About us

ING-GRAD Ltd is the company founded in Zagreb in 1985, and it has been known on the market under its current name since 1991. Under the leadership of Branislav Brizar, MSc in Economics, ING-GRAD has distinguished itself in its many years of business as one of the leading construction companies in this sector in Croatia, and is recognizable for its stability, constant growth and uniform development of all segments of the Company.

The work and philosophy of ING-GRAD is best reflected in the slogan "Building the Future, restoring the Heritage". Thus, ING-GRAD can boast of a wide range of construction works, from the renovation of historical buildings and sacral architecture to the construction of modern business and residential spaces, as well as construction works in the field of energy and infrastructure construction.


ING-GRAD Ltd employs a large number of employees optimal qualification structures.

Each of our projects starts with a skilled team of people, and that is why we are especially proud of the commitment and knowledge of our employees and their contribution to the company's work.

We value persistence, responsibility and, above all, teamwork. If you like working in a stimulating environment and want to develop your potential every day and help your colleagues do the same, apply for one of our currently open vacancies.


ING-GRAD d.d. zapošljava velik broj djelatnika optimalne kvalifikacijske strukture.

Svaki naš projekt započinje vještim timom ljudi i zato smo posebno ponosni na predanost i znanja svojih zaposlenika i njihov doprinos radu kompanije.

Ako volite rad u poticajnom okruženju i želite svakodnevno razvijati svoje potencijale te pomoći kolegama da učine isto, javite se na neki od naših trenutačno otvorenih natječaja.



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