Energy and


In more than three decades of experience working on a series of very demanding energy and infrastructure projects, ING-GRAD managed to complete the entire process of energy production in a diverse list of projects.

These are projects of construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and extension of wind and thermal power plants, bio-powered power plants and infrastructural facilities. At the very end of the energy circle there is a series of gas stations of the largest Croatian oil company INA - industrija nafte d.d.

Work on these projects is complex precisely because of the challenging terrain, which in many cases is difficult to access, and the work includes everything from the construction of access roads and roads to massive concrete.


In energy and infrastructure projects, we highlight the following works:

Geomechanics and earthworks

Geomechanics and earthworks refer to the construction of reinforced concrete piles that are drilled into the ground and reinforced with special reinforcing baskets or steel profiles that are installed in the wells and filled with concrete. In this way, on soil that is not favourable for foundation, a skeleton structure is made in the ground, which enables the load-bearing capacity of the entire building in the making.

Did you know?

During the restoration of the bridge on the Drava River in Osijek, the caisson foundations of the bridge were repaired by installing reinforced concrete panels - talps, underwater concreting with a concrete mass made according to a special recipe and injecting the foundation soil with micro-concrete.

Construction of reinforced concrete, steel and other structures

The construction of the object can be called its skeleton. The classic and most common is the reinforced concrete construction, while the steel construction is used in the construction of large halls or production facilities because it enables faster and easier construction.

Did you know?

The heat accumulator HEP TE-TO Zagreb is a steel tank with a diameter of 24 m and a shell height of 47.5 to 50.12 m, for which a reinforced concrete base plate with a diameter of 27 m and a thickness of 2 m is built, supported on 69 reinforced concrete piles with a length of 20 m.

Construction of sewage systems

In the construction of sewerage systems, we are talking about so-called linear structures, which differ from the construction of classic construction structures. These are facilities that are continuously developed on the given routes in the most populated areas and include, in addition to the construction of the route itself, the construction of accompanying facilities, gravity and pressure collectors, and the rehabilitation of roads damaged during the works.

Did you know?

The project to expand the sewage network of the city of Poreč included the construction of 64 km of sewage system, gravity and pressure collectors, and road rehabilitation.

Construction of transport infrastructure

When building infrastructural and energy facilities, it is necessary to ensure access to the construction site and the facility itself, so in that case, temporary macadam access roads are built, which are created primarily for the delivery and removal of materials, the flow of equipment and people, and are ultimately arranged as a permanent traffic infrastructure of newly built facilities.

Did you know?

The construction of the Korlat, Lukovac and Zelengrad wind farms was preceded by the routing and construction of several kilometres of access roads on the difficult and demanding terrain of the Dalmatian hinterland.

more than50

energy and infrastructure projects

more than330

MW of renewable energy


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